Do All Angels Really Have Wings?
YES!! Earth/Human Angels all have Wings!!
How do You know if You have Wings? Simple.........
Close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply as you inhale and exhale. Continue to consciously become aware of your breathing. As you begin to feel the mind becoming quiet, focus your attention to the area of your upper back. Namely right between the shoulder blades is where you will find them.
How often do you find discomfort, tightness or even pain in that region of the back/shoulders not realizing that you are beginning to awaken to who you are at the true essence of Self?
Often times one will feel these pains because, subconsciously, they fight to control that which they cannot yet quite see. You can sense something is happening, but you are unsure as to what this may be.
The more conscious you become to your own wings, the more you will begin to feel less pressure in the upper region of your back.
What are the many benefits to discovering your own Wings?
The benefits are many. The most important benefit of all is that your wings are your source of power. Not power to control or manipulate others or your surroundings, but in your own inner strength.
With power also comes responsibility. Responsibility for your actions, your thoughts, and your deeds.
To learn more about your wings, it is recommended that you join the ACT - Angel Consciousness TrainingTM classes. Included is twice a month meditations to assist you in the discovery and embrace of your True Angelic Self.
With Love and light